Digital Work: Sustained economic growth in the 21st Century
MDS personnel are often asked why MDS provides information on its website that is
not specific to its business. Most people see these policy development activities
as government support and not those typical of a business.
MDS personnel believe that for the first time in the history of mankind, the global
community is facing challenges that humanity has not dealt with before. Countries that grew
during the Industrialized Age have economies that are based on consumption of fossil fuel.
These nations are seeing their standard of living threatened by a diminishing supply
of fuel. Environmental issues resulting from the consumption of fossil fuels affect
the health of the global population and potentially the earth's climate. Fossil fuel based
work, at its current global level, is not sustainable. Economies that are based solely
on work that requires fossil fuel are not sustainable.
Developing nations are competing for work and are potentially limited in growth because of
lack of energy supply. The current level of consumption of natural resources in producing
products is not sustainable. A declining global economy reduces society support for its
most needy members. These are the children and the elderly. Population growth and work
habits associated with Industrial Age work practices have caused highway congestion and
air pollution in most large cities regardless of the nation. We believe that a lack of
adjustment in work methods and structure will result in global economic decline, wars,
and political instability.
There is no single solution to these problems. An attempt to solve these problems by population control
creates severe ethical and moral concerns. The MDS business model, virtual Digital Work processes,
was created to offer a partial solution to these problems. The creation of knowledge
using virtual Digital Work methods is sustainable because is not necessarily dependent upon
the consumption of natural resources.
MDS has been recognized as the first company to implement a virtual Digital Work structure.
We believe that with this leadership comes the responsibility to share opportunity
for economic viability. Conflict and society decline historically have been associated with lack
of economic opportunity. To help avoid these ends, we have volunteered our time
and resources. We have done so at the request of government leaders of several nations including our own.